03 septembre 2020


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the Baou of Saint Jeannet seen from Casternou - Alpes Maritimes - January 2013

 A positive statement propels hope towards a better future,
it builds up your faith and that of others, and it promotes changes.
(Jan Dargatz)
Une déclaration positive propulse l'espoir vers un avenir meilleur,
elle renforce votre foi et celle des autres, et favorise les changements.

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7 commentaires:

Spare Parts and Pics a dit…

This photo by itself is a positive statement. Beautiful!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station a dit…

Fantastic color in the sky

Nanda kumar a dit…

Majestic photo

Jutta.K. a dit…

Great shot, impressiv color on sky !
My sky

Lieselotte Haag a dit…

Foto und Zitat bilden eine Einheit,klasse!

Light and Voices a dit…

I collect quotes. May I copy and paste this quote to my files? Incredible image!

CanadianGardenJoy a dit…

Your photo is stunning .. red/orange suns are my absolute fascination.
Your quote is profound and fitting.
Wonderful post !