19 septembre 2019


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Sunset at Playa Flamingo - Guanacaste - Costa Rica - August 2019

Knowing your own darkness 
is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
(Carl Jung)
Connaître ses propres ténèbres 
est la meilleure méthode pour faire face aux ténèbres des autres.

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6 commentaires:

Light and Voices a dit…

I am speechless! Have a nice weekend.

Jim a dit…

Love the colour.

Jutta.K. a dit…

A beautiful sight.
Gorgeous colors in this photo, it touches me a lot!
My sky

Lieselotte a dit…

Atemberaubend und wunderschön.

Kenneth Cole Schneider a dit…

There is such a beautiful contrast between the sky and the mysterious ocean.

Spare Parts and Pics a dit…

Stunning shot. Sunsets don't get any better than this!