14 mai 2019


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Sunset over the Baou of St Jeannet - Côte d'Azur - France

The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset,
the color that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.
(Ram Charan)
Le ciel prend des nuances orangées au lever et au coucher du soleil,
la couleur qui vous donne l'espoir que le soleil ne se couchera que pour se relever.

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4 commentaires:

Photo Cache a dit…

Spectacular setting sun.


Roger Owen Green a dit…

stunning! Gorgeous!

MelodyK a dit…

Thankfully we don't have to travel anywhere... the sun is everywhere...
will be on monay and tuesday also above Paris when I will be there ;-)

Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
M e l o d y (team ABC-W)

Thérèse a dit…

D'autant plus beau sur le fond noir de ton blog.