24 avril 2019


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Perinaldo en Ligure (Italie) est le village d'origine de Gian Domenico Cassini qui naquit ici en 1622: il fut astronome et académicien de France à la cour du Roi Soleil. Cassini s'intéressa surtout à la planète Saturne, dont il découvrit des satellites, et à l'espace vide entre ses anneaux (le "vide de Cassini")

Perinaldo in Liguria (Italy) is the home village of Gian Domenico Cassini who was born there in 1622: he was an astronomer and academician of France at the court of the Roi Soleil (Louis XIV). Cassini was mainly interested in the planet Saturn which satellites he discovered, and in the empty space between its rings (the "Cassini's void") as well.

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Garde tes yeux sur les étoiles et tes pieds sur le sol.

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4 commentaires:

fredamans a dit…

Incredible photograph!

Thérèse a dit…

Quel cadre!
Merci pour les précisions.

Roger Owen Green a dit…

The mountains are gorgeous.

ABC-Wednesday a dit…

FOr someone who was born and raised in flat lands... images like this Always speak to the imagination

Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
M e l o d y (team ABC-W)