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Haleakala caldera - Maui - Hawaii - August 2012
If your heart is a volcano how do you expect flowers to bloom ?
(Khalil Gibran)
Si ton coeur est un volcan, penses-tu que les fleurs peuvent y pousser ?
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Une des sagesses de la vie consiste à voir l'extraordinaire dans l'ordinaire.
6 commentaires:
Quelle belle declaration et image aussi!
Please have a ♥-warming ABC-day / -week
♪ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (abc-w-team)
I wanna go there.
Is my a heart a volcano? Hmmm...
Interesting concept. I am usually quiet and so flowers could bloom; but when I erupt, I erupt. Still working on balance. So where is this volcano you posted?
Wonderful photo along with the quote.
Have a nice ABC~week.
Daphne, ABC~team
Je ne peux que m'imaginer comment l'on se sent devant un tel paysage.
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