30 mars 2017


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The French Riviera seen from home - Soldano - Italy - January 2017

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift,
that's why we call it the present.
(Joan Rivers)
Hier est de l'histoire, demain est un mystère, aujourd'hui est un don de Dieu
c'est pour cela que nous l'appelons le présent.

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5 commentaires:

Spare Parts and Pics a dit…

Beautiful photo and I like the quote!

Jim a dit…

Beautiful sky with beautiful colours.
Sydney – City and Suburbs

eileeninmd a dit…

Hello, lovely sky capture. The quote is awesome! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Thérèse a dit…

La beauté renouvellée.

thomas a dit…

lovely silhouette sky