01 février 2017

la vie

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Koh Yao Yai - Thailand - July 2016

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool,
a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
(Sholom Aleichem)
La vie est un rêve pour le sage, un jeu pour le fou,
une comédie pour le riche, une tragédie pour le pauvre.

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6 commentaires:

Photo(Geo)grapher a dit…

What a lovely place. Great shot!

MelodyK a dit…

Never stop doing that..... wonderful photo

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)
(want to take a preview at the new url starting round 21 ? http://abcwednesday.wordpress.com)

carol l mckenna a dit…

Beautiful dream like shot ~ lovely blue color ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Week ~ ^_^

Klara S a dit…

Amazing place and picture. Amazing dream.

Roger Owen Green a dit…

I'd like to hang out on that DOCK!

Gemma Wiseman a dit…

So love the lighting and blues in this beautiful scene.