16 novembre 2016


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"Le Château" in Nice and the old part of the city seen from Casternou - Alpes-Maritimes - January 2015

I am always looking to the future
and what will next be on the horizon.
(Jose Andres)
Je regarde toujours vers le futur
et ce qui va apparaître à l'horizon.

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6 commentaires:

LindyLouMac a dit…

This is the first time I have joined in Round 19 and it is already the letter S. Good to be back playing along and visiting other meme entries. A very serene capture.

MelodyK a dit…

Image tres beau

Have a wonderful ABC-day / – week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

LOLfromPasa a dit…

Such a beautiful, peaceful view.

Leslie: a dit…

La mer est belle!

abcw equipe

Roger Owen Green a dit…

somewhere beyond the sea...


Gemma Wiseman a dit…

Such pretty tiers of light and colour.