24 janvier 2016


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anthurium flower in the rainforest of Dominica - West Indies - May 2014

Hide not your talents. They for use were made.
What's a sundial in the shade ?
(Benjamin Franklin)
Ne cachez pas vos talents. Ils sont faits pour être utilisés.
À quoi sert un cadran solaire à l'ombre ?

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4 commentaires:

Nonnie a dit…

this is so lovely- I especially like the almost transparent leaf (frond?) at the top

EG CameraGirl a dit…

Wonderful quote and photo!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio a dit…

Ben Franklin was a very wise man (and so many good quotes are attributed to him)! And, I really love that sneak shadow lurking in that leaf and the way the sun is hitting it.

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