29 novembre 2015


street in Dinan - Côte d'Armor - Brittany - October 2013

Si tu gardes ton visage tourné vers la lumière,
tu ne verras pas l'ombre.
{Helen Keller}
Keep your face to the sunshine
and you cannot see a shadow.

6 commentaires:

GreenComotion a dit…

This is a very beautiful street scene.
How often do you find a street without cars?
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Nonnie a dit…

quite an interesting quote from Helen Keller! love this deeply shadowed, narrow street

EG CameraGirl a dit…

Moody and mysterious! I very much like this photo.

Gillena Cox a dit…

very interesting shadow shot

thanks for dropping in at my blog; have a nice Sunday

much love....

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio a dit…

What a stunning shot and perspective!

Thérèse a dit…

Une rue théâtrale!