01 mai 2012


Mariposa - California - July 2010
L'histoire est un poème cyclique,
écrit par le temps à la mémoire de l'homme.
(Percy B. Shelley)
History is a cyclic poem
written by time upon the memory of man.

8 commentaires:

Dianne a dit…

great shot
I love the window

Liz a dit…

Great find!

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

J.Rylie.C a dit…

Nice capture.
Rubies at my site. Please come see.

EJ a dit…

Is it abandoned?
Your comment will be greatly appreciated at my Ruby entry. Thanks!

Chubskulit Rose a dit…

Gorgeous ruby find, captured beautifully too!

Ruby Tuesday at my page. Have a great day!

Cerstin a dit…

The Club has seen better days. I like the view.

JMS* a dit…

Une invitation à la valse sauce Américaine.

Robert a dit…

Endroit pour la dance des fantomes :)