27 avril 2014


Las Vegas - Nevada - July 2010

Si tu ne trouves pas la vérité à l'endroit où tu es,
où espères-tu la trouver ?
{Dôgen Zenji}
If you don't find the truth where you are,
where do you expect to find it ?

7 commentaires:

Magical Mystical Teacher a dit…

But just think of how many people are convinced that truth is somewhere else! ;)

Shadowy Magnolia

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio a dit…

Now, that is a cool cloud shadow and such a great vantage point to see it from!

BLOGitse a dit…

Great shot, cool shadow. It looks like the plain is touching the ground...

Nonnie USA a dit…

great question! awesome capture.

Arnd a dit…

Stunning bird's-eye view on this fascinating desert landscape! From high above it looks like a place hostile to men.

Anonyme a dit…

Cool shot.

Gemma Wiseman a dit…

How grand the earth looks from this wonderful high point. So love the patterned earth framed by mountain. Lovely scene.