27 mars 2013


Saint-Malo (the Pirates City) - Brittany - July 2006
Où il y a une mer, il y a des pirates.
{Proverbe Grec}
Where there is a sea there are pirates.


6 commentaires:

Thérèse a dit…

Et il y a des mers qui les attirent plus que d'autres... :-)

Arnd a dit…

Fascinating bird’s-eye perspective. The blue hues of the sea are stunning.

aspiritofsimplicity a dit…

Beautiful birds eye view. Great name for a city..as long as the pirates aren't bothering any one anymore.

JMS* a dit…

Sur certains endroits du glose c'est encore vrai malheureusement.

Gemma Wiseman a dit…

Grand panoramic view of sea and coastline!

Kim, USA a dit…

Awesome shot! No more pirates I hope. ^_^

Thanks in joining Water World Wednesday Kim,USA