03 janvier 2011


One day last September, Cookie, a young female stray cat decided to settle down at my home
Quelles pensées, quelles graines nourris-tu ?
What thoughts, what seeds are you nurturing?

18 commentaires:

Owen a dit…

Ca pourrait être notre chat Noisette... donc Noisette, et sa fille Amande, toutes les deux tigrées comme Cookie, envoient leurs meilleurs voeux de fin d'année...

hpy a dit…

Le regard reflète l'âme, et ce chat a un beau regard!

hpy a dit…

Bonne année!

Hootin Anni a dit…

I would LOVE Cookie!! Such beautiful eyes.

My Macro is a cat also...a Japanese cat. Do stop by if you can, I'd love to have you visit.

Lorraine a dit…

Ca pourrait etre ma chatte Kimmi Karamel lol j'adore

Laura a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

Absolutely awesome!!!

Colleen a dit…

Wow! I love those eyes!

Eko a dit…

Ohohhh... Ompa 'Katse*...!
Ihan hypnoottinen...
Mainio kuva 'Kissan-Iirikset'...
Vertaa - kameran 'himmennin'...!!

Anonyme a dit…

Je voudrais voir vos yeux maintenant

pip a dit…

lucky you to have such a beautiful cat turn up ^..^ I love your shot!

"Lillagul" a dit…

Great shot on your beutiful cat !
Lucky you that she showed up on your doorstep :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) a dit…

What a fabulous picture! I hope to learn to take macro shots this year. Happy New Year

scotfot a dit…

You are so lucky to be adopted!

JMS* a dit…

Merveille !
Tu commences bien l'année !

Arnd a dit…

Great image display! These eyes are really mesmerizing.

Gérard Méry a dit…

rare un chat qui fait les gros yeux

Janice Thomson a dit…

Wow - fantastic capture Dominique!
A little black and white stray wandered into my house a couple months ago and decided it might be a good place to stay - she looked to be only 4 weeks old - someone must have dumped her off as we're miles away from neighbors. A neat addition to the family :)