24 avril 2010


waiting for the Water Show at the Bellagio - Las Vegas - August 2009
Vivez en accord avec la lumière qui est en vous,
ou vous vous éteindrez.
{David Baird}
Live your life according to the light that is within you
or burn out.

7 commentaires:

Lorraine a dit…

I burned out, I learned ...I love...this reflection ;)

Anonyme a dit…

Ooooh, one of my favorite Reflections of today! Outstanding!

Julie a dit…

Certainly a lot of lights on here! But all the better to capture the reflections in such an exciting city!

Matty a dit…

You have a winner here with this one. It's beautiful.

LN a dit…

La lumière qui est en moi perd chaque jour de son éclat....

sunnymama a dit…

Beautiful lights and reflections! Great capture :)

Marie-Noyale a dit…

You started the show on your own and early!!!